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M.A. English
An MA English Literature degree prepares you for opportunities in diverse industries. With excellent writing and communication skills, an MA in English Literature can be recruited for a variety of job roles. Studying MA English Literature can help you inculcate the skills that are essential for today’s global and competitive environment: where analytic, creative and critical reasoning skills are the most advantageous.
Careers for an English Literature post Graduate
Public Relations
Social Service
By the end of the programme students :
critically interact with works from different contexts: social, political, economic, historical and national as subjects conscious of their own socio-historic specificity and thus their level of critical thinking is enhanced.
become thorough with reading works with theoretical basis
Students become capable of interpreting and exploring relationships from the points of view of different people.
become inspired by fiction, open up their minds and stimulate the sympathetic/empathic imagination by allowing them to see the world through other’s eyes as well to foster intercultural dialogue
approach and appreciate Indian literature in English and explore its uniqueness and its place among the literatures in English.
get sensitized with the critical tools used in the reading of literature
form an idea of the complex nature of literary studies and how they are entangled with other aspects of the social body.
gain perceptive insights into the socio-political dynamics, the structuring points of view, the dominant ideology, hegemony, the prevailing common sense and communal underpinnings that mediate the writing, production, reception and survival of a work.
learn literary terms and the various streams in literary criticism, to make them aware of the inter-disciplinary nature of contemporary criticism and to develop in students, skills for literary criticism.
inculcate a literary, aesthetic and critical awareness of diverse cultures and literary creations and thus to arrive at a broader vision of the world.
come to know about the evolution of the Feminist movement and to familiarize them with the various issues addressed by Feminism
become sensitized to issues like marginalization and subjugation of women
develop sensible response to great classics in translation and fine tune analytical skills with a view to achieving a broad, wholesome vision of life.
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