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B.Sc. Computer Science

BSc Computer Science (BSc CS) is a 3-year undergraduate program that deals with the subjects and topics related to computer science, computer application, and its services. The main aim of this program is to create quality professionals and research fellows who can work in every sector of the world by implementing the technology of computer systems and software.

BSc in Computer Science deals with the principles and applications of the computer. The main agenda of the degree course is the technical implementation of computers and computer systems. Students in the three-year degree course undertake various term papers, practical sessions and learning theoretical foundations of the compute

The basic objective of the Programme is to open a channel of admission for computing courses for students, who have done the 10+2 and are interested in taking computing/IT as a career. After acquiring the Bachelor‟s Degree (B.Sc. Computer Science) at University of Calicut, there is further educational opportunity to go for an MCA or other Master‟s Programme like MSc (Computer Science), MSc (IT), MBA, etc., at this university or at any other University/Institute. Also after completing the B.Sc. Computer Science Programme, a student should be able to get entry level job in the field of Information Technology or ITES or they can take up selfemployment in Indian & global software market. The specific objectives of the Programme include

  1. To attract young minds to the potentially rich and employable field of computer applications

  2. To be a foundation graduate Programme this will act as a feeder course for higher studies in the area of Computer Science/Applications.

  3. To develop skills in software development so as to enable the B.Sc Computer Science graduates to take up self-employment in Indian and global software market.

  4. To train and equip the students to meet the requirements of the Software industry in the country and outside

Program structure

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Duration : The duration of the B.Sc Computer Science Programme shall be six semesters distributed over a period of three academic years. The odd semesters (1, 3, 5) shall be from June to October and the even Semest

Courses : The UG programme shall include five types of courses, viz; Common Courses

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